3 Ways to Support Small Businesses
It's Small Business Week 2022 Earthlings!
You heard us right.
This week was all about small businesses but we want to let you know as a small business ourselves that you don't need to spend money to support a small business. The week might almost be o
Here are 3 quick tips on how to support a small business to get you started:
1. Repost posts to your stories
It's always great to repost or share a post to help a small business reach a wider audience. It doesn't cost much to repost a post on any social media platform. Sharing with your audience is free unless you say otherwise. There are plenty of reasons for you to do so.
You can share the post due to its relevance to your interests. If you are one to share with your audience your interests, then sharing different small businesses with items that interest you will benefit you, your audience, and most of all the business that you will be supporting.
Also, you can share a post even if it doesn't resonate with you. "Why?" you are probably wondering right about now. The reason so is due to the potential audience you will be introducing to the business outside of your interests. You may not like it but someone you know will.
2. Engage with every post
Did you know engaging with the small businesses is a great way to support virtually?
The algorithm is one tricky thing that we are sure marketing and social media experts such as Business Bae, The Marketing Bully, and Brooke Write completely understand.
The internet is always transforming and it is only right for professionals, influencers, businesses, plus more to stay with the times. If not, then you lose the traction of your community.
Engaging with a business's post you like, can increase their chance with the algorithm. The algorithm determines what others will see, what is important, etc. By simply liking, sharing, commenting, then you can boost the businesses virtual presence without much effort.
3. Write good reviews
Believe it or not. Customer reviews are very important to a business. It builds trust amongst other community members, interest in prospective viewers, and gives feedback to said business.
The review does not even need to be an elaborate one. Just make sure it is clear and concise with an unbiased opinion. A business cannot grow if you have a personal agenda and use your review to express it whether it is good or bad.
We say this because honesty is the best policy in this case. Saying how much you love the product when in fact that is not the truth can mislead both the business and consumers. You may be trying to help the business, but you can also be potentially hurtful.
Same goes for if you have a personal agenda against the business in an unfairly manner. A lot of small business tend to be a small operation, even as small as one person. There can be many mistakes and many small businesses owners are understanding if you are to contact them.
The week might almost be over but the support towards small businesses should not be. Supporting a small business is never over. You will be supporting a small business in many ways with these three quick tips to keep in mind.