Crystal: Angel Aura Quartz (Grade AA Quality)
New Beginnings• Spiritual Awakening • Past Life Recall
Astrological: Sun, Moon; Aries
Chakra: Etheric and Crown
Element: Air
Size: 8mm
Angel Aura Quartz is an extremely high vibrational stone that’s energies can be felt to the touch, no matter the sensitivity of a person. This magic mineral can provide enough energy to fill environments with endless rays of joy, happiness, and uplifting energy. Angel Aura Quartz is the perfect stone to help when one may feel emotionally unstable or distressed.
Angel Aura Quartz is a very strong mineral that may be too much energy for one to handle. If this is a common occurrence for you, we recommend either carrying grounding stones, or taking the piece off or out of your pocket until you're prepared to try again. Some grounding stones we recommend are Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Garnet, Hematite, Bronzite, or Dravite.
Note*: Sizes may vary. Originated from Brazil